About Maya

My name's Takas Neşeli, but everybody just calls me Maya. My Mum named me that after one of those funny dogs with no scent from the TV. That's an anagram for 'My Amazing Young Anatolian', whatever an anagram is. I'm five years old, I weigh 55 kilos, and I am fawn with a black mask, but I have a white tail tip too. I live with my Mum and Mum's pets in sunny Townsville, Australia.



Sunday, 20 April 2014

Easter Hunt

Today I went to Work with Mum, but it was a bit strange - there were no other people there to give me pats and attention! We didn't stay long - Mum fed the birds, the cat, and the fish. Also, I was allowed to be offlead inside! Maybe because the front door didn't open when I walked in front of it, the way it usually did. 

Me helping Mum with the fish

After Mum was done feeding everybody else, she gave me some treats she'd brought - special Easter treats. Humans usually eat chocolate at Easter-time, but my treats were special dog carob treats as chocolate is very bad for dogs. Mum hid them everywhere and I had to find them!

Aha, there it is!

The first couple were pretty easy, but some of the last ones, Mum got really tricky with and hid them on shelves.

Hunting carob treats...
Aha, there it is!
Of course I sniffed them out in the end... they were tasty.
Very tasty!

Once we'd found all the treats, we went home. I was pretty sleepy after sniffing out all those treats, so I had a nap... it must be a day for tasty food, though, since when I woke up, I could smell pork roast cooking!

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