About Maya

My name's Takas Neşeli, but everybody just calls me Maya. My Mum named me that after one of those funny dogs with no scent from the TV. That's an anagram for 'My Amazing Young Anatolian', whatever an anagram is. I'm five years old, I weigh 55 kilos, and I am fawn with a black mask, but I have a white tail tip too. I live with my Mum and Mum's pets in sunny Townsville, Australia.



Friday, 11 April 2014

Cyclone Watch


Tonight we headed to Saunder's Beach where it was very rainy. Mum says this is because there is another one of those cyclone things coming towards us - cyclones are very bad storms, with lots of wind and rain. This one isn't all that close to us, just enough to make it rain. Still, it didn't keep us inside. When we got there, a cattle dog who was off her lead came running over to me... until she got close and saw how big I was, then she decided to listen to her human and go with her, instead!

We had time to practice my jumping over some logs... 

Have a spa bath...

Really more of a paddle than a swim...

Then we found this completely excellent floatnig stick!

Get back here, stick!!
Then I smelled an interesting smell in the sand, so I did some digging!


It started to rain much more heavily so we turned around and headed home. Even though it was rainy, it was still a very fun beach Adventure.


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