About Maya

My name's Takas Neşeli, but everybody just calls me Maya. My Mum named me that after one of those funny dogs with no scent from the TV. That's an anagram for 'My Amazing Young Anatolian', whatever an anagram is. I'm five years old, I weigh 55 kilos, and I am fawn with a black mask, but I have a white tail tip too. I live with my Mum and Mum's pets in sunny Townsville, Australia.



Thursday, 24 April 2014

Austin's Place, Agility

Had a busy week, went to visit Austin at his place, which is great for running around and playing! Austin likes it too, since the yard is bigger than where he used to live - he kind of misses his cat friend Leah though, which I don't really get. Mum has a cat too, called Leo, but he is just as likely to hiss and claw your nose as he is to be nice.

Good thing I have Austin to play with!

Yesterday I did Agility again, and even though it was raining me and Mum had lots of fun. It's getting easier for me to remember how to do some of the tasks like 'shaping' which has got to be the best way to earn treats ever. All I have to do is walk up to a board sitting on the ground and put both my front paws on it, and I get a treat! Still, my favourite obstacle I think is A-frame, a ramp you run up and down.

Oh - when we were at Austin's, Mum took this video of us playing! It's pretty funny halfway through, Austin doesn't look where he is going and he faceplants the grass! Don't worry though, he was fine - he is a lot tougher than he looks!

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