About Maya

My name's Takas Neşeli, but everybody just calls me Maya. My Mum named me that after one of those funny dogs with no scent from the TV. That's an anagram for 'My Amazing Young Anatolian', whatever an anagram is. I'm five years old, I weigh 55 kilos, and I am fawn with a black mask, but I have a white tail tip too. I live with my Mum and Mum's pets in sunny Townsville, Australia.



Saturday, 29 March 2014

Our Own Mini-Beach

I was in for a surprise during today's beach trip - for some reason the whole beach was much bigger than usual. We went for a swim through a little channel, and out to our very own mini-beach!

Well... I noticed that Zeke and I swam there, but Mum didn't have to because she could reach the bottom. I suppose being as tall as a human has it's upside - it would have to, what with the way they totter around on just two legs all the time.

I *never* totter.
 Zeke and I played some Tag up and down our mini-beach, and Mum raced us too! I was allowed some off-lead time which I'm not allowed very often because Mum says I don't listen. (I listen... most of the time...)

Me winning!

 I had to investigate some strange, foamy things floating on the surface of the sea, you know, just in case there was something lurking inside them. 

They did NOT taste good. Too salty...
After all that fun, it was time for some downtime so I had a good roll!

After we swam back to the big beach, we had to go back onlead and we went up to the grassy area for a drink of fresh water and a towel dry before we went home. I wish I could live on our very own beach... they're the BEST fun. 

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