About Maya

My name's Takas Neşeli, but everybody just calls me Maya. My Mum named me that after one of those funny dogs with no scent from the TV. That's an anagram for 'My Amazing Young Anatolian', whatever an anagram is. I'm five years old, I weigh 55 kilos, and I am fawn with a black mask, but I have a white tail tip too. I live with my Mum and Mum's pets in sunny Townsville, Australia.



Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Surpises, Christmas and New Years

So, that surprise? Yeah, it turned out like this.

Yep. Mum brought home a new dog. His name is Kipper, he's a border collie, and he's 15 years old. I mean, come on Mum, if you're going to get another dog, does it have to be another old dog who doesn't want to play any decent games with me?

I don't like Kipper very much... he snaps and growls at me and his manners are TERRIBLE. But Mum says I have to be patient with him, because he's blind and his old family didn't want him anymore, so he got left at the pound. Which isn't a very nice thing to do. He used to have a best friend with his old family too, so Mum says it's hard for him to get used to me and Zeke at his age. So, I'm being patient. He's okay really I suppose. He and Zeke get along okay, but they would. They're both old and boring!

Anyway, Summer is really hitting in full force here, and it is HOT. Mum and I still have adventures, but they're a lot slower. Plus, Mum brings me along a spray bottle to cool me down, which is actually pretty fun!

Riverway is a nice place to be in Summer... I think it would be more fun if Mum let me swim in the river though!

We also went to the Strand on Christmas Eve, which was fun, except...

"Ah, Mum? You do realize we're in public, right?"

Yep. I had to wear a Christmas hat. The whole time.
"You realize people can SEE ME, right?"

But I suppose it was all fair... because Mum wore a Christmas hat too. The next day I got a Christmas present, which was my very own Darth Vader toy to destroy! I hope everyone got presents that excellent. 

Tonight is New Year's Eve, where most humans are very silly and drink lots and make lots of noises. Mum and Dad stayed home though and cooked this really delicious pork roast. I got scraps, which seems like a pretty great way to begin a new year to me!

Friday, 14 November 2014

New Park!

 Mum took me somewhere new this week! New park is quite near to Grandma's place, and is very interesting. We walked up a little hill and you could see everything!

New park was also by the river, but Mum wouldn't let me swim in it because it was something called 'low tide' and it was too muddy. I didn't think so, but I still wasn't allowed to go in. The only bad part about the new park was when I went to sniff this really interesting patch of weeds, and I got these nasty little spiky things stuck in my paw pads. Mum had to get them all out for me, but Anatolians are tough, so it didn't stop us finishing our walk.

Since we weren't far from Grandma's place. we stopped to say hi to her and Goldie. We played for a while, but it was still pretty hot because as Mum says, Summer has started now.

Also, guess what Grandma brought Goldie?

New pool -  a PINK one!
I had to test it out of course. Just to check it was okay. After our visit, we got home and watched one of our favourite movies!

Tomorrow, Mum says she has a surprise in store... wonder what's happening!

Saturday, 18 October 2014

A night at the Strand... with company!

So Mum and Aunt Dani had a surprise for me today... Austin has a brand new brother! I would say 'little brother' except that the little brother is already taller than he is. I didn't point that out though - Austin does not realize he is a small dog, he has the heart of a lion!

Austin, Valamir and me

Austin's new brother is called Valamir, his name has a meaning, which is 'Dark Prince.' This is much like my proper name, Neseli, that also has a meaning (cheerful). Valamir is a Belgian Shepherd, and he has very nice manners for a puppy. I will have to help Austin teach him to stay polite! 

Mum also had another surprise for me... she made me wear this on the walk.

Not impressed.

I don't know why she didn't find a purple one, everybody knows purple is my colour. Mum says she's sick of people saying what a 'nice big BOY' I am though.
Even despite my new pink bandana, we did have time to stop at my favourite spa bath!

Looks so inviting!

Somebody turned the water orange but that's okay, since I've already been coloured pink, purple and blue for Worlds' Greatest Shave this year I had a spa bath there anyway.

'Get out', Mum? But I just got in!

Anyway, we had a lot of fun at the Strand, though there were a few rude dogs I had to bark at - hey, I have two humans, my best friend and now his not-so-little bother to protect after all! Because you have to stay on your lead at the Strand, Austin and I couldn't really play, but we did squeeze in a quick bouncey version of Wrestle before we had to head home!

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Summer in full swing

This week has been really hot, Mum says it is summertime again - which means lots of beach visits!

Agility was on a little break for a while, but this week it started back up again! The jumps were in a really hard pattern but me and Mum did okay, and I even got to practice a little on the big A-frame, which I hadn't gotten to try yet.

Also this week Grandma's dog Goldie came to the beach with me and Zeke, and then over to our place for playtime. She is still mostly crazy, and almost as big as Zeke is now, but she's pretty fun to play Wrestle with.

You can see Zeke staying out of the way - he says he is too old for 'silly puppy games' with Goldie. Of course, he still plays with me every day... well, if I poke him enough.

Goldie and I had a good play, she even acted a little bit tired afterwards (Mum says this is a small miracle). Mum says I get to go and visit Goldie and Grandma tonight at their place, which is always fun - Grandma always has lots of dog treats!

Wednesday, 8 October 2014

Back at the beach

Mum keeps going away for Adventures without me... this time it was to a place called Brisbane and also the Gold Coast. I keep telling people I would be perfectly well behaved in airplanes, trains, during Monster Truck shows and while at something called a 'theme park' but I still get left at home...

Anyway, now Mum is back and we can start having adventures again! Today we didn't have Agility so Mum took me and Zeke to the beach. Even Dad came! It really must be summer, and it's pefect swimming weather again.

After a good swim there is nothing like an even better sand roll!

An after-swim shakeoff
What sand?
You have to be careful at the beach though. Sometimes those waves are sneaky...
Hey! I was lying there!
Still, sneaky stealth waves aside, it's great to be out having Adventures again!

Tuesday, 2 September 2014

Back to Adventuring

Well, it has been a while since my last Adventure, which is mostly because Mum went off and had one without me! I keep insisting I would be perfectly well behaved on airplanes and trains, but so far I haven't been allowed to prove it. But Mum's back home again now, and we celebrated by going somewhere new.

New place was Dan Gleeson Gardens which is nice, but a little bit small. I did enjoy the fig trees which has little caves everywhere, and I think that Mum needs to plant one at home. (Or three or four. Hey, we live on an acre, there's a lot of space to fill!)


The brave fig-cave explorer!

I was most disappointed to discover half the park was fenced off though, including some very nice looking ponds with fountains in them that would have been excellent to swim in. Apparently the fence was put up because of fruit bats? Um, correct me if I am wrong, but wouldn't fruit bats just fly over the fence? Hmfp, I just can't figure humans out somedays.
I really wanted a swim, too.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

The Vet Adventure

I kind of get the feeling Mum tricked me today when she said it was time for an Adventure, because she wound up taking me to the vet for my check up. The vet is a bit like Mum's work because there are a lot of tasty treats, people to pat me, and dog and cat scents to sniff. Erica, my vet, is a pretty nice human, but she always seems to do things like give me nasal sprays and take my temperature, which isn't really much fun. She gave Mum a treat to take home for me though, so she remains pretty nice.

Mum, do I have to see the vet?

After I got a clean bill of health, Mum made up for my vet visit by taking me to a new park. It was a park that Mum used to visit a lot because she lived close by to it, and she took Zeke and the dog she had before me, Jayne. It must have been a very long time ago because I couldn't scent any Zeke-smells.

There were some interesting things to do at this park, (it was called Mountview Park but I couldn't see any mountains from it) like rock-climbing.

There was also walking on walls! Mum says this is great practice for when we do Agility.

We got home in time to do some gardening, then we cooked a roast chicken... I am very helpful with household chores.

Friday, 22 August 2014

Adventure at Austin's Abode

Today Zeke and I got to go on an Adventure to Austin's place! There are lots of things to smell, half-eaten toys to chase, and of course there is Austin to play with! Zeke spent most of his time trying to get the attention of the kids next door, since his legs have mostly been too sore to play much, but even he had a short play with Austin. (Everybody likes Austin!)

Wrestle time!
Sometimes Austin knocks me over!

Me, Zeke and Austin having some downtime in the shade

Race time!

Austin is pretty fast!

Pretzel time!

Friday, 8 August 2014

Adventures with Austin

Well, it's been a quiet week for Adventures. Mum has been sick - she even had time off work which she NEVER does, so we haven't been going very far. We even missed out on Agility which was a shame. But Mum is getting better so we went out today - I got a surprise when we got to the beach, because my very-best-friend-Austin was there, too!

Austin and I always have a heap of fun, especially when we have a  beach adventure. Just because he's little (oh, and NEVER tell Austin that I said he's little) doesn't slow him down - he can keep up with me no problem and he never gets tired.

We played at racing, then tag, which is one of Austin's favourites. We also did some swimming, and checked out all the little tide pools. The beach was BIG today with lots of rivers, channels and pools.

I also had time for my usual spa bath. Austin doesn't really get spa baths, because he doesn't like to stay still for that long.
There was just time for a few last wrestles before we went home.

Saturday, 26 July 2014


Come on Mum! It's ADVENTURE time!

I really think that Fridays are my favourite day. Mum's weekend starts on a Friday so she spends all day at home with me and Zeke! (Well sometimes she has to run errands without us, since she says dogs are not allowed in banks or post offices. All I can say is that those banks and post offices must have never met me before.) But not this week! So I helped mum around the house a little.

Me helping out with the gardening

My bench!
After gardening, it was time to head out for an Adventure! We went to the Strand and walked down to Jezzine Barracks, our new favourite place. We took a rest break on my favouite bench and watched the sun setting.

After our walk we stopped by Grandma's place. There were lots of visitors there so I got plenty of pats and attention! Also, I had to play with Goldie, Grandma's puppy. Goldie hardly looks like a puppy anymore though...

Ow! That's my FACE, kid!

We stayed for a visit and finally, after some treats from Grandma and lots of games, Goldie was tired.

Mum and me were a bit tired, too, so we said our goodbyes and headed for home. I helped Mum some more (cooking bacon this time. Mmmm... bacon) then went to bed.

And slept very, very deeply.