Zeke and I chased the coconut into the water - did you know coconuts float? - but it almost escaped so many times. I shook some sense into it though, don't worry. The waves were only little, and there was fun seaweed to play in as well.
Afterwards we went to Work, because Mum said that Zeke and I "Stank"! Can you imagine? Human sense of smell is so weird. Dried seawater and strands of seaweed are one of my favourite smells, but there's no convincing humans. Zeke and I had a hydrobath each. I don't mind being bathed, except for all the nice smells I've collected being washed off. I don't like being blow-dried, though. In case that's never happened to you, the hydrobath makes the exact same noise as a vacuum cleaner and there's a tube that looks like it's from one as well, except instead of putting the tube on the floor it gets pointed at YOU, and it blows the water off your coat. But Mum says it's okay, and I get a treat afterwards and lots of cuddles from the nice humans who Work with Mum, so I put up with it.
After the hydrobath and lots of cuddles, we left Work and went to Grandma's. Even though I was tired, I ran around for a while because Grandma has a wonderful garden to run around in. It's smaller than home, but there's rock steps and green grass and even a drawbridge to race across and wonderful smells EVERYWHERE. One of the smells is a Shadow-smell. Shadow is the dog who used to live here, Grandma's dog. I met her when I was small, but I haven't seen her for a while. Mum and Grandma always sound sad when they talk about Shadow, and Zeke always looks around for her when he hears her name. Shadow used to be Zeke's sister, she taught him all the stuff he taught me, like the best places to sleep, and how to swim, and what smells mean something good to eat. But then Grandma gave me and Zeke treats and that cheered her up.
By the time we went home it was midday and getting very hot. Mum put all the windows in the car halfway down for us. Zeke likes to put his nose out the window, but I prefer to rest my head on the seat back and let the wind flow over me from both directions.
In the evening I went for another car ride! Zeke's back legs were sore so he stayed home, napping in one of his favourite places, under the boat that Mum dislikes so much. We drove for quite a long time, down a different road than usual. Mum said we were looking out for two dogs called Drake and Mama, but we didn't find them. Mum must have been disappointed because we went to the dog park where we found LOTS of dogs to cheer her up. First I played with Second-Best-Friend Jax, but it was too hot to run around very much so we mainly just played my favourite mouthing game which Mum calls 'Sharks'.
Then it got cooler and more dogs came. My friend Bear came with his sister Bridy. We played for a while - I like Bear, but he is really stupid when it comes to wrestling and tries to do it all wrong, so I had to growl at him and bite his face to teach him a lesson. Because Bear is not very clever, this happened a lot.
Tully the Lab was there, but she's still too small to play with much - I quite like her though because she always says hello to me with proper respect, avoiding my eyes and licking me on the chin (when she can reach it). The Rotti Puppies came and they aren't puppies anymore, Tamu is as big as I am and Keiko is catching up fast. I growled at them when they came in, just in to remind them who was boss around this park no matter who grows really big really fast. Keiko is no less annoying than she was when she was smaller. She follows me and paws at me and tries to make me play, but she's too silly to wrestle with. I mean, I have to have some dignity.
We stayed at the dog park for a long time and it was dark when we drove home. We made one more stop at the shops. Mum goes to the shops a lot and always comes home with lots of food smells. I don't get to go with her very often though, and I think it's because I have to sit outside, which I did this time as well. Mum was only inside long enough for two people to pat me, which isn't really enough, but I let it slide since I was really pretty tired after all the adventures.
I went to sleep when we finally got home, thinking this day really couldn't have been any better - then I realized that I could smell my very favourite human food, roast pork. Maybe the end of the day would be even better than the rest of it...
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